Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Chapter 8 - Part IV

Who am I?! the question burst from his mind, running naked through his guarded sensibilities. Who is Gregor and who is this girl?!  He closed his eyes and thought back to the first time he ever met Gregor.

Was it the smile of a kind stranger, an Ally of Rel?  The smell of fish and money in the air surrounding us?  Alms deposited in his oak bowl followed by a word, which led to a warm conversation with a like-minded spirit?  That was the first meeting, right?

No, was it two boys running naked along the beach in the middle of the days governed by the major moon?  The beach seemed like their private little world save for the huge wooden ships that passed them on their way north.  Just two little boys, laughing, throwing sand at each other while their young fathers looked on.  The fathers would disappear, but the boys would be forever.

'Friends until the end, just like our dads, right?' he had said.

"Aaaaaggggghhhhhhhh!" the pale former chef screamed "What are these memories?  Who am I?!" *(note, to be expressed in Lithenese - when I get the chance)  the man called Cedric shook from head to toe, sobbing loudly to himself.  Onion stood up and quickly distanced herself from the man, thoroughly unnerved.

Or is that laughter!? she thought to herself.

The revelry of the Soa caravan laid thickly on the wind, suffocating most sounds, but a noise unnatural to the Cedric Onion had come to know floated over the lusty laughter of women and men deep in their cups.   As it became more and more apparent that it was a maniacal mirth, not a cry of desolation, that was escaping his lips Onion began looking around nervously for a weapon; a rock, a heavy branch, anything that might keep whoever this man was at bay.

Until this point, Onion had vividly recorded in her memory, the visage of a man, skinny, shrunken and reluctant.  The Cedric she had come to know had the voice of a mewling kitten.  Neither of these descriptors would serve her now as Cedric stood tall and erect; his shoulders set back while aggressive and calculating blue eyes surveyed her every muscle twitch in his peripheral view.

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